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The Light Workers Training was created to support larger organizations with climate change.


The training includes two parts:

  1. Equitable Communication 

  2. Circle Keepers

Participants will identify their own biases and unpack how their biases impact relationships as well as insight potential conflict.

Participants will undergo intensive self-awareness processes that allow them to separate their own trauma and better serve the whole community.

Facilitators will coach participants to navigate cultural differences as well as provide concrete strategies for building authentic relationships.


Equitable Communication


A dynamic and interactive training on equitable conversations.


The purpose of the Equitable Communication session is to develop effective conflict diffusion strategies for culturally embedded issues in organizations, offer direct service providers crisis management tools, and help organizations build partnerships to offer on-going strategies for clear, productive communication. 


Circle Keeper’s Training


A circle training to bring about restorative justice. Circle discussions is a dialog process that works intentionally to create a safe space when discussing very difficult issues.


The intent of the circle discussion is to find resolutions that serve every member of the circle. The process is based on an assumption of equal worth and dignity for all participants and therefore provides equal voice to all participants. 

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